The new VEGA ZZ 3.1.2 for Windows and VEGA 3.1.2 for Linux (command line) are available for download. Here is the list of the new features:
- First full 64 bit release of VEGA ZZ (the 32 bit version is still included in the package).
- EMPIRE .arc and .dat loader.
- WarpEngine APBS version 1.0.
- WarpEngine MOPAC version 2.0.
- WarpEngine PLANTS version 2.0.
- WarpEngine RESCORE+ version 1.0.
- ARFF data export from SQL databases for machine learning programs.
- Added the capability to save MD movies in AVI XVID, Matroska video H.264, MP4, MPEG-2 transport stream, MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-H HEVC (h265) and QuickTime formats.
- Added the possibility to save the scene in STL (ASCII and binary) format for 3D printing.
- Tree2C stand alone tool (Weka decision tree to code converter).
- Paste data (from Excel, text, etc.) to a SQL database.
- Editing of the column/field of a SQL database.
- Updated "Training and test set creator.c" script in order to generate homogeneous data sets.
- New extended commands: RemInvAtoms, RemVisAtoms, ResetView, UndoPop.
- New system variables: Area, Asa, Charge, MassMI, Ovality, Psa, Sas, Sav, Sdiam, Vdiam, Volume.
- New scripts: Development toolsDecision tree to C converter.c (it converts a Weka decision tree to C code).
- Fix: removed glitches from VRML and PovRay scenes.
- Removed OpenGL setup and WireGL.
- Updated gl2ps library to 1.4.0.
- Updated Opsin to 2.4.0 release.
- VEGA WE supports SSL conncetions.
- Built with RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo.
Click here to download the new packages.