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VEGA ZZ 3.2.0 for Windows and VEGA 3.2.0 for Linux
September 04, 2019

The new VEGA ZZ 3.2.0 for Windows and VEGA 3.2.0 for Linux (command line) are available for download. Here is the list of the new features:

  • Full screen mode.
  • Side-by-side (SBS), half side-by-side, cross-eye, top and bottom, half top and bottom stereoscopic modes.
  • Rendering of 360° (equirectangular) and cube (cube faces) panoramas.
  • Support for 3Dconnexion devices (e.g. SpaceMouse, SpacePIlot, etc.). At least the 17.5.5 version of is required.
  • VEGA ZZ is now DPI aware and supports high DPI desktops (e.g. 4k).
  • Change: default font is now Segoe UI.
  • Fix: detection of x64 executables for docking.
  • New extended commands: ConRec, ConRecPause, ConRecResume, ConRecStop, RotateView.
  • New system variables: ConRecStatus, IsFullScreen.

Click here to download the new packages.