The new VEGA ZZ 3.2.0 for Windows and VEGA 3.2.0 for Linux (command line) are available for download. Here is the list of the new features:
- Full screen mode.
- Side-by-side (SBS), half side-by-side, cross-eye, top and bottom, half top and bottom stereoscopic modes.
- Rendering of 360° (equirectangular) and cube (cube faces) panoramas.
- Support for 3Dconnexion devices (e.g. SpaceMouse, SpacePIlot, etc.). At least the 17.5.5 version of is required.
- VEGA ZZ is now DPI aware and supports high DPI desktops (e.g. 4k).
- Change: default font is now Segoe UI.
- Fix: detection of x64 executables for docking.
- New extended commands: ConRec, ConRecPause, ConRecResume, ConRecStop, RotateView.
- New system variables: ConRecStatus, IsFullScreen.
Click here to download the new packages.