Archived news

In this section, you can find all published news:

How to cite VEGA and VEGA ZZ
May 19, 2022
The paper to be cited is the last one concerning VEGA:Pedretti A., Mazzolari A., Gervasoni S., Fumagalli L., Vistoli G. "The VEGA suite of programs: an versatile platform for cheminformatics and drug design projects". Bioinformatics, Vol. 37 (8), 1174–1175, 2021. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.2.2 for Windows and VEGA 3.2.2 for Linux
March 22, 2022
The new release of VEGA ZZ for Windows and VEGA for Linux (x84 and x64) packages are available for the download. [more...]
MetaClass 1.0 for VEGA ZZ
July 23, 2021
MetaClass is a complete classification system for the prediction of the metabolic reactions of a given molecule or a set of molecules. The prediction is based on a machine-learning algorithm, which was trained with the metabolic data collected and classified in the MetaQSAR database. [more...]
LabSim is now available!
March 08, 2021
LabSim is a laboratory simulator of qualitative inorganic analysis which was mainly developed with the aim to teach the students in laboratory during the COVID pandemic emergency. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.2.1 for Windows and VEGA 3.2.1 for Linux
June 04, 2020
The new release of VEGA ZZ for Windows and VEGA for Linux (x84 and x64) packages are available for the download. [more...]
Anti virus warning when you scan VEGA ZZ setup
September 18, 2019
Some anti virus programs detects wrongly VEGA ZZ setup file as a possible trojan. We ensure that this setup is virus free as shown by VirusTotal report (see the full notice). [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.2.0 for Windows and VEGA 3.2.0 for Linux
September 04, 2019
The new release of VEGA ZZ for Windows and VEGA for Linux (x84 and x64) packages are available for the download. Now you can use it with high DPI desktop without loosing the GUI layout. [more...]
Tree2C for Windows and Linux
May 03, 2019
Tree2C converts the machine learning models, in particular the classification trees, to source code, which can be used directly in VEGA ZZ or integrated in your program. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.1.2 for Windows and VEGA 3.1.2 for Linux
May 03, 2019
The new release of VEGA ZZ for Windows and VEGA for Linux (x84 and x64) packages are available for the download. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.1.1 for Windows and VEGA 3.1.1 for Linux
April 07, 2017
The new releases of VEGA ZZ for Windows and VEGA for Linux (x84, x64 and ARM) packages are available for the download. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.0.5 for Windows and VEGA 3.0.5 for Linux
November 04, 2014
The new releases of these two packages are available for the download. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.0.3 for Windows and VEGA 3.0.3 for Linux
April 23, 2014
The new VEGA ZZ 3.0.3 for Windows and VEGA 3.03 for Linux (command line) are available for download. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.0.2 for Windows and VEGA 3.0.2 for Linux
November 11, 2013
The new VEGA ZZ 3.0.2 for Windows and VEGA 3.0.2 for Linux (command line version) are available for download. [more...]
Raspberry Pi executables
July 10, 2012
Raspberry Pi executables of our software are now available and included in all packages. [more...]
VEGA ZZ 3.0.0 for Windows
June 23, 2012
The new VEGA ZZ 3.0.0 for Windows is available for download. [more...]
May 17, 2012
The new release of ESCHER NG docking software is ready for the download. [more...]
AMMP VE 2.4.0
May 16, 2012
The new 2.4.0 release of AMMP molecular mechanics package is available for the download. [more...]
ShutDownGUI 1.0 for Windows
May 15, 2012
ShutDownGUI is a graphical utility to power off the system when an event occurs. [more...]
VEGA for Linux (command line)
May 14, 2012
The new VEGA release for Linux is available for download. The new package includes binaries for both x86 and x64 operating systems. [more...]